You are invited to submit your abstract to the International Conference On Public
Health and Medical Science (ICPHAMS-2025) Istanbul,Turkey under the following tracks, but not limited to:
Track 1 :
Primary Health Care :
- Primary health care management
- Quality in primary health care
- Primary care
- Family medicine and primary care
- Primary care medicine & services
- Dental primary care
- International Health
Track 2 :
Infant and Child health :
- Infant health
- Child health
- Low birth weight
- Marasmus and Kwashiorkor
- Growth and development
- Physical and emotional health
- Obesity and children
- Growth charts
- Communicable diseases
- Breast feeding
Track 3 :
Mental Health :
- Human resilience
- Management and treatment of mental health issues
- Mental disorders / Psychosis
- Mental health rehabilitation
- Psychiatry & mental health nursing
Track 4 :
Health Service management :
- Health Policy Research
- Indigenous Health
- Clinical Medicine
- Preventive Health
- Hospital management
- Organization of health services
- Case-Mix for NCDs
- Health Statistics and hospital statistics
Track 5 :
Metabolic Syndrome :
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Causes of metabolic syndrome
- Diagnosis, treatments and medications
- Pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome
- Risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome
- Signs and symptoms
Track 6 :
Maternal Health :
- Pregnancy
- Antenatal care and post-natal care
- Depression in pregnancy
- Diabetes in pregnancy
- Cancers in women
- Breast and cervical cancer screening
- Breast and pelvic examinations
- Genetic conditions
- Hypertension and heart disease
- Inadequate nutrition
- Intimate partner violence
- Unhealthy weight
- Domestic violence
- Abortion and pregnancy loss
- Sexually transmitted infection (STI) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Track 7 :
Tobacco, Alcohol, and Substance use :
- Issues in Smoking
- Substance abuse
- Alcohol abuse
- Rehabilitation